Monday, February 28, 2022

Tips on Networking with Other Nurses

 It does not matter if you are still pursuing your nursing study in Canada or practising as a nurse, networking can help you advance your career considerably. From meeting your colleagues at work to connecting with a popular nursing professional on LinkedIn, networking can help you discover who you are and why you are special. 

If you are completing your nursing education, networking can help you connect with fellow students. On the other hand, if you are a professional, networking can empathize with your everyday struggles, celebrate your success, and help you know the latest nursing trends as well. 

Irrespective of how you understand the nursing profession and what it brings with it, networking is extremely important for your career. Below, we have mentioned some tips on networking and how they can help your career. 

  1. Building Professional Networks: One of the best ways of networking is by joining professional nursing organizations that offer many benefits for meeting other nurses and building professional relationships. 

Some nursing organizations also offer online forums and social media pages for connecting. You can find education webinars and annual in-person conferences very easily. At such gatherings, it is easy to meet others who have come from far and wide. Nurses must look for both regional and national nursing organizations to find the one that meets their needs completely. 

  1. Attending Networking Events: Networking events are organized by colleges, universities, professional nursing organizations, healthcare facilities, etc. Whether you are completing your nursing education or you are looking for nursing, participating in these events can offer many tangible benefits. 

Some events can help you meet with recruiting officers and at other times, you can also meet with a respected faculty member as a guest speaker. During the COVID times, many organizations have shifted online which makes the process convenient. 

  1. Social Media Networking: In case going out on events is not your thing then you can network using social media from the comfort of your home. 

While maintaining a presence on each platform necessarily, it is important to understand which social media platform serves your needs. 

  1. Relationship Building: For building a strong career network, you must first start meeting people and then knowing them. Trying to go out of your way to strike up conversations no matter where you are will help you build relationships.  

Things like calling others by name, asking questions, and listening to what they are saying can be helpful in attracting people towards you. When people will be interested in you, it will become easy to build relationships. 

  1. Using Existing Connections: The professional network does not just include the people you know. It is beyond that because the people you know have connections who have other connections and so on. 

You can reach out to your fellow colleagues in the medical world and ask for introductions to people they think you should know. Networking is a two way street in nursing. It is reasonable to look for one’s own professional interests but it is also important to help someone in need. 


Professional networking is one of the best methods to get the job you want. If you have put a lot of work into building your skills and knowledge, you must also take your time in building your network so that you can grow professionally. 

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