Thursday, April 7, 2022

Your Guidebook to Prepare for a 12 Hours Nursing Shift

The nursing profession is a robust career that continues to grow every day. Given the number of responsibilities that are supposed to be taken care of, it is natural for nurses to prepare for a 12-hours shift. If you are a nurse who is figuring out ways to deal with a long shift then here is your guidebook to prepare for a 12 hours of nursing shift. 

In many healthcare settings, the newly hired nurses who have just completed their nursing education are hired to work a 12 hours shift. What these nurses must understand is that the workplace schedule requires making important adjustments to daily routine and even personal life. 

There are ways in which you can work through the long shifts effectively. Below mentioned is your guidebook to prepare for a 12 hours nursing shift. 

  1. Eat Well: Students are aware of the importance of eating well while attending nursing colleges in Canada. However, the pressure of the job can make them forget it all when they are on the job. 

As a nurse, it is vital that you stick to a healthy eating pattern by eating light meals or healthy snacks that avoid any kind of drowsiness. Eat foods that are easily digestible such as nutritious fruits and vegetables, salads, bread, etc. 

  1. Stay Hydrated: When you stay hydrated, you keep your appetite in check. You can also avoid dehydration headaches and flush all the toxins out of your system. 

Purchasing a big bottle and setting a goal on how many times you will refill it through the shift is a good way to monitor your water drinking habits. No matter how burdensome work may be, drinking water is important during a nursing shift. 

  1. Do Not Overcommit: If work wants you to pick an extra shift and you know that you are already emotionally and physically spent, it is not just okay to say no, but imperative many times. 

Even though nursing education trains you to keep your duty above all else, sometimes the situation is extreme. In those times, it is best to listen to your body and mind without any over-commitment. 

  1. Sleep Well: Many nurses can work a 12 hour shift without facing any problems at all. However, many experience sleep deprivation and a general feeling of being tired during the day. 

You have to ensure that your body gets a good amount of sleep so that it can feel healthy to get back to work. Remember to make sleeping a priority when you reach back home so that you can teach your body to fall asleep properly. 

  1. Dress Comfortably: It is natural that a long 12 hours shift will require you to be on the move. So you should try your best to be as comfortable as possible when doing this. 

Something like investing in the right shoes is important for long days on your feet. You can also consider wearing compression stockings for long days so that your feet improve circulation, and minimizes inflammation and muscle pain. 

When you dress comfortably, you will move around easily and that helps in getting work done effectively. So if you haven’t yet thought about this, make sure that you keep it your priority. 


It takes a level of personal commitment, dedication and an effective plan to get through 12-hours shifts. If you have been assigned to work during long shifts in a healthcare setting then follow the tips mentioned above to work effectively. These tips will definitely help you to increase your output while taking care of yourself and your patients simultaneously. 


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